3 years since then

 Hello to whoever reading this! (Is there any though?) 😂

The last time I wrote something here was in 2019. I have always come back here to re-read everything and try to write something. But as always, not in the mood, and of course, I really have nothing much to say. 

To update you, things are a little bit different from how it was back then. Work-wise, I am no longer a houseman and I am now a service medical officer (still contract though, but whatever). 

Life has been pretty much the same in terms of me still being single, living full-time with my parents and having little to no friends at home. What I do every day is just go to work, come back home and do almost nothing other than eat and spend time on social media. Such an unhealthy lifestyle, can't help it though. 

I am now in my last year of being 20s. Oh wow, that seems like an ancient age doesn't it? The year 2022 was pretty interesting to me. I tried to make and spend more time with my friends and family, taking as much leave as I can to just have some off-work rest and go meet my friends and family (although most of the time, I just went to see the same old friends lol). That's pretty much what my social life is about. Although it may seem nothing much to others, to me that's pretty out of my norm already cause I barely leave my house previously haha. 

And to my own amazement, I did 'do something' for my work/career progress. I surprised myself by taking 'some' entrance exam and surprisingly passed, although barely! Haha, even I myself can't believe it still. But, I gotta take credit for that, right? Good job on that, Mai. But for now, we are definitely not taking any more exams, and let's just enjoy your almost-ending youth, okay Maisarah? 😅

Anyhow, for the year 2023, I just want to be happier! Happy by just being myself and enjoying the process of life. To not rush or chase things that are beyond my control and to just, let God. Maybe I should start traveling and having a hobby again. I do not know how long will I live in this world and what the future is gonna be like, but as for now I will just follow where my heart takes me. Spending my last 20s doing things I have always wanted to do before life gets more serious in my 30s. 

If there's one thing that still haunts me these days, it's the 'when to get married' question. Oh dear, what more with me entering my 30s, this question just never goes away. But, what to do? I do not hold my future, God does. Kalau tak kahwin pun apa salahnya kan? 😉 To be honest, I never take it to heart when people ask me this marriage-related question, tapi itu lah, when the question always comes to you, sendiri pun jadi terfikir. Tapi that's okay, one thing at a time! 

Aright then, just letting the words slip through my fingers. Nothing much actually, but just something to read back again later on. Maybe I'll come back here in the next 3-4 years haha. Till then, may we all be well. 💖


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a struggling junior doctor who sometimes writes