I was thinking of writing this money-related post when I was in the shower this morning. Probably because of something that happened yesterday evening; a woman knocked on our door asking for money from my mom. 

My parents are one of the kindest and most generous people I have ever met. I'm not saying this just because they are my parents. Despite realising that our family is alhamdulillah comfortable now and that we will never be in hunger or not being able to buy things we need (& want), I still think my parents are too generous to other people (I mean, in not a very good way). Okay I actually don't know how to put this in words, but simply I somehow don't like how my parents are willing to give money to people easily. Do you get what I mean? Emmm. 

You may call me 'kedekut' now. Maybe I am. Maybe because the money aren't mine, they are my parents'. But..... how would you feel if there are people (not one person, but a few) who constantly ask money from your parents? Like asking for specific amount of money, hundreds and sometimes even thousands, and never repay? I was mad when I first knew that there are this kind of people in my parents' life. Okay, I get it that they are relatives and neighbours but still..... my parents don't work all their lives to support you and your family, do they?! And, you are completely healthy human beings that have work and can find whatever means to get enough money to eat but still, with no shame simply asking for money from people who also have family to support?? 

I was mad, to be honest still (slightly) am. But what my mom always always reminds me and my siblings is to never ever berkira with people, to always do good and help people even when they do the opposite to us and even when they don't appreciate the helps. Ya Allah, what a beautiful kind soul my mom is. May Allah bless my mom and dad, ameen. And I also think that that's one of the reason why my parents are always blessed with good rezeki and happy lives. And of course, that is the reason why my siblings and I are constantly blessed too. So so thankful for our parents (suddenly I feel like crying). Alhamdulillah. 

So my friends, the lesson is : money is indeed everything. It is 'EVERYTHING' that can make us either the good or the bad person. Money can make you forget where you are coming from and keep you away from God and living life as if there's no hereafter, but money can also make you a thankful and grateful human being who never forget that God is the one blessing them to you for you to help other people who are less fortunate. And to help others despite whoever or whatever they are, with the extra money you have, just sedekah and never think twice or have doubts. Whatever they want to do with the money is their responsible. God sends those people to you as a ujian, to see who you really are when you are being tested with money. You really can't imagine the rewards God has already promised and reserved for you if you do the right thing 💖

I am still far far away from being the best human I suppose to be. Especially with money and doing sedekah..... I really really want to be rich and have all the things I want without having to look at the price tag (life goals, LOL). But I know, being rich is not just that. I cannot be rich and have the money all to myself. I have to give back, I have to plant the seeds in my syurga with the money I (will) have in this temporary world. May I always strive to be the person God please. InshaAllah, ameen. 

disclaimer : I'm not proud with who my parents are, because I am not them and in fact far from being like them. But I thought that this could be the reminder especially for me (and to everyone who reads). May you benefit from what I write here 😊
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a struggling junior doctor who sometimes writes