
I'm 24 years old today, alhamdulillah. (My birthday was yesterday, 17th October). How exciting!! There is so much I'm looking forward to be doing and achieve in this 24th year of my life. 2018 is ending in 10 weeks and 6 days (no, I did not count it myself, I googled this lol). And of course 2019 is going to be the year that so many things will happen. Oh God, I'm so scared now. One thing for sure is that I will start my housemanship next year, emm okay actually it is not really confirmed that it will be next year as it could be by the end of this year but the possibility is low so let's just target I will be called next year somewhere in February or March okay?

I am feeling so blessed and grateful to be given another day to live. Knowing that I have people who love me around, that is definitely the thing I can't afford to lose. Honestly, I can't imagine myself living away from my parents anymore after years of living abroad. So please please pray that I'll get to do my HOship in Terengganu, pleaseeee. Ameen, Ya Rabb.

Personally to me, birthdays are not really a huge thing. But I know that it is no harm to celebrate the day we were born with the people we love. I appreciate it so much when my friends made effort to wish me on my birthday. I had my bestfriend, Nisa' calling me after her long day at the clinic. Tbh, I haven't met Nisa' in years and I feel bad that I have so much free time now but I still couldn't go see her. I hope someday we will get to see each other again. She's the best, my Raja 💖. And of course, my other close friends who texted and called, thank you for still not forgetting me hehe. I pray that all the wishes everyone wished me come true and I wish for everyone all the goodness too, inshaAllah.

Love (to love and be loved) is definitely the best 'thing' Allah has ever created. And to realise that humans' love are only 0.1% of Allah's love, mashaAllah He is indeed The Greatest. May we all get to feel the love from Allah and to love Him as The One. Ameen. 


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a struggling junior doctor who sometimes writes